Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Reading 2010

Hi All
many thanks to Jeff for hosting our recent meeting and for his generosity in providing cigars, jumpers and tobermory single malt whisky to keep us warm as the sun set in his garden.

Those that had actually read the corner v. much enjoyed it. It is a long book but a useful book which offers a clear headed analysis of urban living in pi$$ poor communities. I couldn't help thinking of the row houses on Mountjoy square as I read it. A couple of us had actually looked up Fayette and Monroe (the actual corner) to see if there was much slinging going on but it seems pretty quiet at the moment.though there are a couple of dudes taking something from a truck - click on this- then search for:
fayette and monroe baltimore md
click on the red pin and opt for "street view"

Tony and richie found it a little harder to penetrate that the rest of us and I admit I too struggled a little until I had hit the halfway point. It is a little over written and repetitive in places but I found once I hid the midway point I rattled through to the end with relative ease.

Anyone that has seen the wire will find much familiar in the book including characters. Many of the real people in "the corner" actually had bit parts in the wire. I also reccomend the mini series made by hbo. Steve has our copy at the moment but he will pass it to anyone interested once he has watched it.

Our next meeting date has not been decided upon but lets try to have it in early September when the weather is still warm enough to sit out and smoke cigars in.

Our choices for the summer are as follows -
The Decisive Moment by Jonah Lehrer (which I think is called "How We Decide" in the original american edition.
ny times review here -

Our second choice is Bill Bryson's book on Shakespeare
this is a link to the hardback version which is available for a penny (plus about a fiver postage)

Both these books are relatively short an easy to read (from my glancing at them).

As an afterthought and if you enjoy the shakespeare book I strongly recommend 1599 - a year in the life of shakespeare which I read a couple of years ago. 1599 was a pivotal year in shakespeare''s career and is one of the few years we can track a fair bit of his movements and what he was working on.

enjoy the summer...


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